The college has one Boys’ hostel situated near the college campus. Hostel seats are allotted considering the merit and distance of college from his home, inside and out-side the district. Application for admission into hostel is to be made to the Principal through the Superintendent of hostel in prescribed form. Admission to and conduct of the hostel is governed by the hostel rules. Hostel remains closed during summer and Puja vacation. Students are required to vacate the hostel immediately after its closure for such vacations. No unauthorized person is allowed to stay in the hostel. Failed students and service holders are not eligible for hostel accommodation. All boarders are to maintain strict discipline as per the hostel rules, copies of which are available in the college office and would be provided at the time of admission. Violation of any hostel rules will invite punitive action even to the extent of expulsion from hostel and college. Hostel boarders are entitled to scholarship at enhanced rates provided they submit certificate from the Principal.
The guidelines, prospectus & forms for admission to the hostel can be obtained from the office after college admission.
A Girl’s hostel is constructed for accomodation of 40 students; and another hostel is under construction funded by UGC. This hostel will accomodate 50 students. Dr. Ranjushree Goswami , Associate Professor & HOD, Assamese is appointed as Girl's Hostel Superintendent.