The College Examination Branch Conducts all the College Examinations.
All students must appear in all the examinations conducted by the College during an academic year and attend their classes regularly - the minimum attendance must be 75% of the classes held. Sick bed will be provided to the sick students during all college examinations.
The following examinations will be conducted by the College during an academic year:
H.S. 1st Year Unit Test Examination
H.S. 2nd Year Unit Test & Pre-final Test Examination
T.D.C. Odd & Even Semester Unit Tests as per AU norms
Guidelines On Semester System (3 Year Degree Course) (Implemented from 2012-13 Sessions)
Duration : Duration of the course is of six semesters. Each semester is of six months duration.
Total Marks : Pass course will be of 1200 marks (200 in each semester) and Honours course will be of 1800 marks (900 marks in Honours plus 900 marks in pass—300 marks in each semester).
Grouping of Subjects :
(i) General group of three subjects are compulsory for all students of Science, Arts& Commerce. These are
General English(First & Second Semester)
Modern Indian Language or Alternative English(Third & Fourth Semester)
Foundation Course on Environmental Studies (fifth & sixth Semester)
(ii) Three Elective subjects are to be chosen as permissible in the college.
Marks pattern :
Each theory course Paper will be of 50 marks for non- practical subject and of 35 marks for subjects having Practical.
Each practical paper will be 30 marks for pass course and of 90 marks for Honours course. Practical classes will be held round the year but examinations shall be held only in even semester.
Theory Examinations :
Duration of theory examinations shall be of 2 hours. There may be two shifts of examination in each day.
Practical Examinations :
Duration of practical examinations shall be as suggested in the course content in the syllabi.
Admission period :
First semester admission should be completed within 1st July to 10th July during Session 2013-14
Admission in other semesters i.e. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th semester should be completed within 1st July to 10th July during Session 2013-14
Schedule of classes :
Odd Semester classes from 11th July
Even Semester classes from 1st January Classes shall be continued till 15 days before commencement of the examinations.
Examination schedule :
Tentative schedule of examinations are as under:
Odd Semester: December 6 to December 20
Even Semester: May 1 to May 10
Examination Pattern : Theory
Questions will be group/ Unit wise.
Questions will be set from all groups/Units covering the entire syllabus. There will be one alternative question from each question to be answered.
Five questions are to be answered each of 10 marks for subjects without Practical and of 7 marks for subjects having practical.
There will be no separate distribution of objective type of questions but these will be included along with main questions.
Marks shall be distributed for a question like 1, 2, 3….. for different portion and maximum marks shall be 10 for non- practical subjects and 07 for subjects having practical in the following manner:- Ø Objective type (in a few words) 20% Ø Very short answer type (in one two sentences) 20% Ø Short answer type (three to five sentences) 30% Ø Broad and critical type (marks between 5-10) 30%
Each Pass Paper
Each Honours Paper
Laboratory note book /project
Viva Voce
In Odd semester examinations, a candidate shall appear in odd semester(s) only. Similarly in even semester examinations, a candidate shall appear in papers of even semester (s) only.
Papers of odd and even semester shall not be combined in one examination.
Unit Test
Unit test are compulsory for both theory and practical papers and must be held as per following calendar:
Odd Semester: 1st Test- July/ August and 2nd test by September / October.
Even Semester: 1st Test- January/ February and 2nd Test by February/ March.
Each test will be of 25 marks: Qualifying mark is 10 (40%). If a candidate fails to obtain qualifying marks and for those who have failed to attend the test on bonafide grounds, one special test may be arranged before submission of application forms and fees to the university. The Unit test marks are to be sent to the University as per notification to be issued by the University from time to time.
Eligibility Criteria for admission in examinations
A candidate should have 75% of attendance both in theory and practical papers. 65% attendance may be considered only on special circumstances and on certification by the Principal of the concerned college.
A candidate shall have to qualify in the unit test securing at least 40% marks.
A candidate shall be allowed to appear in those papers only in which he/she has secured qualifying marks in the unit test.
If a candidate after taking admission in 1st semester could not continue the classes or could not obtain eligibility to appear in the 1st semester examination, in such cases the student will not be allowed to continue in the second semester and he/she has to take a fresh admission in the 1st semester again in the next academic year.
The college takes periodic appraisal of the students through unit test and pre final examination in HS classes and Degree classes as required by the AHSEC/UNIVERSITY. The dates of such examinations is notified well ahead as per academic calendar of the college. A student who fails to appear at the unit test, Pre- final/ Test examination and whose performance is very poor is not allowed to fill up their forms in the Final examination. In case of illness sick-bed will be provided.
For TDC Semester System please see Section V of this prospectus.
For P.G. Students: There shall be session works for P.G. students. The minimum session work required for session evaluation shall be three tests and one written assignment/seminar for each course of study [Regulations of P.G. Examinations of AU, clause No.3 (d)]. A student who does not clear a course or courses owing to failure to pass or to appear in the session work, he /she shall not be allowed to appear in the end-semester examination in the course(s).
A Post Graduate student has to get a minimum of 35% of session marks in each course to be eligible for appearing in the End- semester examination.
Under no circumstances will a P.G. student be allowed to carry more than three back-log courses to the next semester.